Mother's Day

Dear Diary,
                   This post is dedicated to all mothers and  to every teacher who is a second mother.

Mother a word that encompasses the whole wide world into it. 'Ma' one of the first words that we utter, as kids. She is the first person who comes into our mind when we are scared, worried or hurt. Mother has the amazing power to make everything all right, to offer the simplest solutions to the most complicated problems, to find things that we think are lost. She offers wings to our dreams and sees the best in us in times when we can't see it in ourselves. She sacrifices her needs and wants to fulfill our desires. A mother is someone we know we can always fall back on.

 Yesterday we celebrated mother's day and I thought is one Mother's day, once a year enough to thank that wonderful lady who for nine months and even after that nurtured us and supported us. Why don't we celebrate Mother's day everyday? Isn't the main idea behind mother's day to make our moms feel special?  Why do we wait for that designated one day, which is so commercialised just to buy our mums a ready made card and a box of outsourced chocolates?

I feel it's better to do something special for our moms everyday. It may be something small like kissing her goodnight before going to bed, that's what I do. Send her a message or an email telling her you care, or write her a post it saying she's in your thoughts, a phone call or skype session will surely get you a smile, cook her a meal or maybe just her favorite dish, buy her the flowers she love. It's the simplest thing in life that are the mos important  so make them count. Make your mom feel special everyday - she deserves it! Tell her you love before it's too late.

Leaving you with a quote I love :

The Sunday Visitor.

P.S : Happy Mother's Day to all!!



  1. A beautiful piece, Judygirl. I am certain that you are a treasure to your mother, because you understand how very special she is. It is said that being a mother is the hardest job you'll ever love, and that is so true! I agree completely with you on making every day a day to treat your mother - and your father - special! We have gotten so into the idea of only doing gestures of love on the assigned holidays that we forget it should always be in our hearts and minds, to let people know how much they mean to us.

    It is good to see you back blogging here, I've missed you!

    1. Thankyou so much. I'll be sure to read out your lovely comment to my mom :) It's true a mother's job is the hardest and that's why we must make everyday special not only for her but for dads too!! Aww that makes me feel so special that you missed me. Earlier i used to blog once a month because I had no reason to write and no time too, now I have a reason to write so i'll be sure to blog more frequently :)

  2. Your list of all the things mothers do for us reminded me of one of those funny signs I keep seeing on Facebook and Pinterest: It's not lost until Mom can't find it.

    1. It's true at least in my case. Even I've seen it on Facebook!

  3. I love having my mom close so I get to see her often...and tell her how awesome she is. Good post. I also have enjoyed the others, especiall XOXO.

    1. Thank You. It's a real blessing when you have your mum close I can vouch for that :)I'm glad you like XOXO :)

  4. what a sweet post! and i'm a mom & a teacher =)

    have a great weekend!

  5. What a beautiful tribute! To moms and deputy-moms (teachers)!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)


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