
Dear Diary,

I really liked this quote and I thought that it matches my word for the day : Young. Everyone grows older, slowly with each passing day but I believe, those who have a young spirit and soul, no matter their physical age always stay young and this reflects in their thoughts and deeds.

The Sunday Visitor. 


  1. That would be ME! Most people my age act a lot older than they are. It's almost as if some of them already have one foot in the grave. NOT ME!

    Precious Monsters

    1. I like your approach to life :) That's the spirit. keep it up.

  2. So true. One must keep active, both physically and mentally. Though my gray hair, and arthritis does make me feel older on some days then others.

  3. Very true - and being young at heart / in spirit is good for your health, too! :)

  4. Thank you for the quote. This one I shall remember. I have my whole life to grow young. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister


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