For the love of Rewards,

Dear Diary,

It's been a while since I last wrote for Two Shoes Tuesday. As I found myself with some free time I decided to take up this week's Two ShoesTuesday prompt. I chose REWARD.

As kids, rewards have a lot of value in our lives. I remember my mum telling me, If I study diligently and pass my exams with good marks, my reward would be a Mcdonald's Happy Meal. The toy was of more interest to me than the meal in itself.

I believe rewards are an excellent way to motivate people to do something. It's a form of acknowledgement but when rewards become the sole purpose for a task the problem starts arising. 

Rewards do not necessarily have to be monetary or materialistic, the satisfaction that comes at accomplishing a task can be rewarding too, the joy of watching happiness on another person's face because of something you do is rewarding in itself and cannot be equated with money or gifts. A good remark at the end of an essay is a reward.

For me,

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. The best rewards are emotional. Happiness with what we're doing. I keep myself going with my nonfiction assignments (which are still fun) by letting myself write a few pages of my fiction work. When I write fiction full-time someday, I'm not sure what I'll have as my reward for finishing a few pages!

    1. I agree Stephanie :) Maybe you will find something by then.

  2. Hello Judy Girl! It made me smile to see your post on my reading list today! Be sure to link it up to the TST post this coming Tuesday. I am always happy when you have time to participate.

    I agree with your thoughts on rewards. When one is small, tangible things work best. As we get older we are able to focus on more long-term rewards such as something that will happen at the end of term or a summer vacation. I know many parents who pay their children for obtaining good grades, not small sums of money, but rather large ones. I am not sure I agree with that, because in life we are expected to perform well without a great deal of recognition on an ongoing basis. I prefer rewards for extra effort or some new goal that is attained. I love your closing photo quote... writing is indeed it's own reward. My writing time is the gift I give myself, and it never fails to make me happy! Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!

    1. Hi Josie. It gives me immense pleasure to participate but due to time constraints I'm often unable to. Very true Josie. Parents should be prudent too in these matters as too much of indulgence can spoil the child. Writing time though rare and far in between is something I cherish immensely. We have a lot in common :) Have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. Une bonne idée, merci. Mais pour certains, ou beaucoup, il n'y a aucune récompense. Quelle dommage!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

    1. Merci beaucoup :) Malheureusement c'est vrai.

  4. Unfortunately, too many of today's kids achieve only for the award rather than the joy of a job well done. Au revoir.


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