Q is for Question.

Dear Diary,

For Q I recommend: Question.

I remember the first day in my sociology class the professor said, “Sociology is about questioning the obvious.”

 His words reminded me of my childhood days. As kids we have an inquisitive bent of mind and wish to know the why, what, when, how of things but as we grow older, we stop questioning. We take things for granted as the gospel truth and never enquire further.

As Jodi Picoult puts it in her book ‘My Sister’s Keeper’

For fear of being ridiculed or mocked at, we often don’t question and are stuck with things and in situations. Be a kid. Question everything, because when you stop questioning, you stop learning & when you stop learning, you stop living.

Leaving you with a quote I like 

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I think part of being a creative person is being able to question, as well, instead of just taking things as they are/at face value.

  2. I agree with Trisha. I've learned (slowly) to be able to question just about everything. Asking questions is fun; that's how people learn.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

    1. Exactly. Asking question is an excellent way to learn.

  3. That's my motto. On the first day of class, I tell my students to question everything. If it doesn't make sense, they should ask. It's the only way to get a true understanding of anything.
    Nana Prah

    1. That's wonderful Nana. Wish there were more teachers like you.

  4. Questions are so very, very important; they're what make the world go forward and you're so right about children.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  5. Very nice quotes to live by. :-)
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  6. now that u have pointed it out, its making me think about this! i nvr used to accept anythng widout series of qstns.. i was always curious! bt nw i seldom do that!

    1. Well Swathi, it's time to be curious once more.

  7. I am glad that many bloggers are posting about questioning explaining their perspective of why one should question. You have rightly pointed out- as a kid we question a lot, after becoming adults, we stop it, we submit ourselves to the situations around.... That makes our learning a slow process!!!

    1. Shesha, it has a lot to do with our conditioning too. Our society does not encourage questioning.

  8. I love that we both chose the same Q word for A-Z! I have known people who grew angry when they were asked questions, I think because they were unsure of their ability to answer. Sometimes there are no answers, sometimes we do not know the answer, and it is ok to say that too, but I agree with you totally that it is wrong to stop questioning, that means we are no longer thinking, just going thru life on autopilot... a scary thought indeed! Our understanding of life changes as we grow older, so we need to continually question what we think and believe, and make sure we still think it is right.

    1. Great minds think alike Josie :) Yes Josie, but often we don't like to admit that we don't have answers because that makes us feel powerless and helpless and nobody likes to feel that way.

  9. What a lovely post. I'm so glad I never grew up properly, life would be no fun w/o questions.

    visiting from A to Z Challenge. I look forward to reading more of your work.

    1. Thank You for visiting. It's a joy to know that you still ask questions.

  10. I love that quote about becoming an adult! I still question some things and blame the Illuminati for everything that can't be explained, but I think sometimes I can still have a more opened mind.

    1. Madeline I'm sure it will come with time. Don't be too hard on yourself.

  11. Reached here via A-Z.
    My Q post is Questioning!
    My theme, ‘26 Positive Takes on Life’ generally focuses on positive, truly heart-warming, real-life incidents involving ordinary persons whom we can all emulate.

  12. Q is indeed for questioning... and certain questions make me ponder and other make me get angry and the rest make me laugh :P

    1. :) Most of us have similar experiences with questions.

  13. I really, really love both of those quotes. I had a brilliant history teacher in high school who taught us to always question what we read, and that lesson has stayed with me my whole life. I'll never forget it, and I'll never stop being grateful.

    1. It's wonderful to have teachers who encourage questions. Glad you had one of them.

  14. I'm a total believer in the saying, "There is no such thing as a dumb question." It's the one's you don't ask that hold you back.

    1. That's a wonderful saying. I'm going to hold on to that one.


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