I is for Introspection

Dear Diary,

For I, my recommendation is: Introspect Today!

It is a habit we ought to inculcate in ourselves. Introspecting every single day even if for five minutes about the things we did, the people we met, the words we said can go a long way in shaping us as human beings.

Often we do not realize the magnitude of a situation when we are in it, but later as we ponder and ruminate over it, we realize what it means. Keeping short and long term goals is a good thing but they will mean nothing, if you do not take the time to introspect them and see how far you have achieved what you had in mind and what means you used to achieve them. Travel is another great form on Introspection, one which everybody should indulge in to experience the sheer bliss of it.

Here are two nice quotes I came across:

Introspecting as I write this,

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. It is always very useful to know yourself and your connection to the world around you.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  2. I consider myself an extremely introspective person ... but your point is very valid! I don't necessarily take the time each day to think about things that happened during the day, and reflect on them for a moment of stillness, so to speak. I feel that I am in my own head a lot and I love being there (yay for imagination! :D) but what you're suggesting in this post seems a bit more like meditation ... which I suck at!

    1. Being introspective is an excellent thing Trisha! Sometimes being in your own head can be a true blessing. I suck at meditation too as I'm a fidgety person, so my introspection is more when I stand in the veranda, in the evening and watch the people around while pondering over my day.

  3. Two great quotes. Look up May Sarton as well on the topic of being alone and the comfort and productivity in it.

    Thanks for stopping by the Write Game to say hello! Always love visitors who leave sweet comments.

    1. ThankYou! I will definitely look up May Sarton. Thanks for the recommendation. It was a pleasure to discover your blog :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i think this really does help! i alwways do it at the end of the day while writing my diary :) even i start with dear diary :D


    1. That's wonderful Swathi, continue the good work! What a pleasant co-incidence!

  6. It's important not to rush making decisions too. Thank you for this very thoughtful post.

    M. J. Joachim

    A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  7. Reflections and looking inward—What a necessary, wonderful luxury. I suggest trying it with some classical music.

    an A2Zer

    1. Classical music and introspection make a brilliant combination. Thank You for reccomending it.

  8. O yes, I agree completely on the value of introspection! Love that quote by OW :)

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

  9. This is an important subject that too often gets overlooked! At the end of the day we should always reflect back on it, what went right, and what we could have done better. Lessons can't be learned until we take the time to acknowledge them, and also to acknowledge that we did do some things right! Gratitude is a huge part of introspection, we can't do it on our own, we need God's help.

    1. I agree Josie. We need god's help and without him we cannot do anything.

  10. I love this post. I need alone time. It both energizes and enlightens me.


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