Be Drunk

Dear Diary,

For B I recommend : Be Drunk

Not literally of course, but metaphorically. I am greatly inspired by the French poet Baudelaire’s poem by the same name. Here is an excerpt :

Wine, virtue or poetry can be easily substituted with the things that mean more to us like books, blogging, verse or chocolate.

It gives me the message to be drunk on my hopes, ambitions, dreams because they are the ones who drive me forward. The drunken fire in the belly will wake me up in the morning renewed with energy and vigor all set to brace the day and the challenges that come with it.

Be Passionate about something, be engrossed in it to such an extent that it becomes a part of you. And everywhere you go, everyone you meet they will keep reminding you like the birds, stars, waves or clock in the poem that, “It’s time to be drunk.”

The Sunday Visitor.

P.S: A boy in Std 4 of a French school has coined a new word in French which means to be drunk on books. 


  1. Not sure if the post I sent before went through. Drunk people live life as if they have no limits. A wonderful way to live. Great post.

    Nana Prah

  2. Great post! I just went and tracked down the rest of the poem, and I generally am so not interested in poetry. Such a powerful way to write about the importance of passion.

    1. Thankyou! I'm not a poetry person myself but this poem just stood out for me when our professor read it. I love the way he wrote it and the meanings he conveys.

  3. excellent! I choose milk and chocolate cookies while reading a book I cannot put down! Excepte to get more milk and cookies....heh heh heh

    1. Hi Kathe! Thanks for dropping by, I'm glad you like it. I love milk and chocolate cookies too. Nothing like them. Best snack ever!

  4. Be drunk works for me! Just joking of course. Drunken people can be so brutally honest about everything they say. Great post btw and I am definitely going to search for the poem.

    1. I agree! Drunken people always tell the truth like it is. I'm glad you like the post.

  5. oh i love the thought that was in the "Be Drunken" section!

    and yes being drunk on life is the best way to enjoy it! ;)

  6. What a wonderful concept, Judy Girl! I am besotted with words, my own and everyone else's! I am intoxicated by the way we can weave them into stories, communication, and words of wisdom! I fill my spare moments arranging letters into words on Words with Friends, and delight in learning new words and ones used in times long ago. What kinds of things do you most like to get drunk on? This was a great post!

    1. Thank You Josie =D Words are a nice thing to be drunk on. I get drunk on books and encouraging quotes, also chocolate :)

  7. Wine works for me sometimes, thanks for introducing me to this poem... a masterpiece. I would love to know what the new french word is. Reflex Reactions

  8. Books, coffee, and chocolate for me! :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — B is for 'Believe' (and Behold the Beguiling Beauty of the Beach)

  9. One must always be intoxicated by passion for things that matter!
    Superb post with a catchy title!!


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