Y is for Yabber Away!!

Dear Diary,

For Y,I recommend : Yabber Away!!

Yabber means to chatter incessantly.

For this blog post my two lovely neighbors were the inspiration. One is a little girl of four and the other a boy of seven. They keep yabbering all day long, it’s cute but sometimes it gets pretty annoying too. 

I’m no saint and frankly I don’t have a lot of patience with children but these two are helping me change that.The ironic part though is that when these two are not around, the house is so silent and I start missing their yabbering, longing for them to come back soon.

Looking at these two I wonder, why people are so hell bent on making sense out of their lives, as kids our speech is often unclear and we tend to yabber a lot but still our parents understand us, our needs and our wants. Similarly our life may not make sense to us now but we will understand it sooner or later till then Yabber Away!!

Here’s a picture of us :

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. They are cute. I enjoy children's yabbering for a certain extent of time, lol.

    1. Me too. I don't have a lot of patience with them.

  2. aah cute pic :-) sometimes all u need to do is yabber away to overcome the frustrations!

    1. Thank You Swathi! Absolutely best way to vent!

  3. The kids are so cute. That little girl looks like she can be tough.

  4. That is a very cute pic - I think little kids can be super cute until they get all psycho and then I want to run away into my cave and hide till they're gone. :P

    1. Thank you Trisha :) True, I second you on that.

  5. Oh, for cute. I imagine those to could do quite a bit of yabbering. :-)
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  6. It's funny how you actually miss the noise when the house is empty! I think someone who's surrounded by it all day gets used to it, but silence can get unnerving after a while, as well!

  7. Cutie pies. There's nothing better than wee folk yabber.

  8. Kids yabbering away is enjoyable! :-) :-)
    Adults yabbering away is generally a pain! :-(

  9. great pic!!! and coincidently, that was my topic for Y too!! glad to have found someone like me!!


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