N is for Never Say Never

Dear Diary,

For N I recommend : Never say Never!

I’m not a great fan of Justin Bieber but this is one song I happen to love thanks to it’s lyrics. I believe that one must never say never, because anything can happen. My mum says the more you run away from things, the more they follow you and when you say never the very same things are bound to happen. Reverse Psychology she calls it.

I remember as a kid, my sister always said that she would never be a teacher. There is nothing wrong with the profession, it’s just that having too many teachers in the house she did not want to be an addition to the list. Ironically today she is a teacher and very content with her job and loves her students unconditionally.

By saying ‘No, Never’ you are limiting your chances and opportunities and like the quote goes , “You can never know, unless you try.” Go ahead then, be adventurous, try your hand at something you earlier said never to. You never know, you may turn out to be good at it.

Here's the video:

The Sunday Visitor.



  1. I took a seminar on "Finding your YA voice" and the homework was watching the Justin Bieber movie. It was actually pretty interesting. I certainly agree with the NSN sentiment.

  2. NIce post !
    Even my todays post is on NEVER !

    1. Hi! thank You for visiting. Great minds think alike that's why we both chose Never.

  3. Great post. It's a word that should be eliminated from everyone's vocabulary.

  4. I don't believe in the word never. Anything can happen.

  5. I have to agree with u here...when we were in std 10, my closest friend said she would never want to work, and she 'd be happy to be a housewife....and I had said, I will never be a homemaker, and I will always want to have a job.....do i have to say what actually happened?!!! :) :)

    btw thanks for visiting SV...!

  6. Never is a very long time and it's impossible to tell what is coming. Personal ideals change and there are things I'm sure I at least thought never to when I was younger that are now part of my life :). Never is a closed mind and it's always best to be open.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  7. You have such great messages in your posts. I really appreciate that!

  8. ya so true!! saying never limits our options. may be i too shud stop saying i will never be a teacher! :-D

    1. :) Never say never Swathi, you may be a teacher in the end like my sister.

  9. I'm so careful with saying NEVER about something, because isn't it always the thing that's its never NEVER. :)

  10. I've never wanted to be a teacher, but only because I can't stand public speaking. ;) I've actually dared to do some teaching to support a colleague, and have done presentations out of necessity as well, but I have not enjoyed one single second of it. So at least I can say I've tried, and it's not for me. :)

    There is ONE thing I will happily say "No, never" about, though - voting for the conservative party here in Australia. :)

    1. Wee you tried your hand at it. That's sufficient enough :)

  11. Hello! I'm popping in from the a-z challenge and I'm excited to meet you for two reasons. 1. I love finding other believers in the blogsphere, and 2. I'm a Johnny Depp fan too! In fact, my N word for the challenge was about Neverland...and Depp's movie Finding Neverland. Visit my blog for that post. I love that movie! I write about faith too, but no exclusively. I'm a new follower. Visit my facebook page, if you'd like. It always connects to my blog. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adventures-in-the-Ballpark-Marianne-Ball/394038163950377?ref=hl so nice to find you!

    1. It's a pleasure to meet you Marianne. Thank You for stopping by.

    2. It's a pleasure to meet you Marianne. Thank You for stopping by.

  12. You say Never and it happens the very next minute or...well you know...so yes I completely agree 'Never say Never' :)

  13. Saying "Never" is so limiting to life. It rules out or destroys possibilities. And often brings us back to things we have to reconsider.

    Blessings and Bear hugs.

  14. I have always smiled when someone said "I will never..." or "My child will never..." because we all know that at some time you just might, or your children will! :-) Life is not absolute, we cannot be certain about how the situation will change tomorrow and find us doing things we never dreamed we would. For instance, I would say that I will never steal, but if tomorrow my child was starving and that was the only possible option to obtain food, I might be forced to do just that!


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