K is for Knight in Shining Armor.

Dear Diary,

For K I recommend : Knight in Shining Armor.

Someone asked me how I imagine my knight in shining armour to be and I was stumped for a minute. The immediate thought that popped in my mind was I’m no damsel in distress to need a shining armor.

We have all read stories where a damsel in distress is tied to a tree or locked in a high tower and a knight in shining armour comes to save her, Following which they drive off happily into the sunset.

I believe a true knight does not always wear a  metal armor but has a heart of Gold. He/ she is one who helps somebody : a neighbor who volunteers to babysit, a friend who gives you company even for the most boring trip, someone who volunteers their shoulder for you to cry on and makes you smile, a good Samaritan who reaches out in times of difficulty.

You don’t necessarily need to know the person to be a knight in shining armor for them. It’s the action that counts. Go be someone’s Knight today.

Yes You!
The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I like this idea of knights in everyday life. I believe I'm sometimes one.

    1. Thankyou. It's good to be a knight, continue the good work!

  2. Very good idea, be a rescuer from something, but not necessarily danger. :)
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  3. Very nicely written, Anusha! I like this modern reinterpretation of a cultural motif from so long ago :)

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

    1. Thankyou for your kind and encouraging words.

  4. I think sometimes we could all use our own knight - even if only in metaphorical shining armour. :) But in general I'm no damsel in distress either. Still, now and then I could use a knight.

    1. Very True Trisha. Sometimes we can use a Knight.

  5. A different, non-romance perspective on a knight in shining armour. Thanks for the shift.

  6. knight in shining armor :-D wenevr sum1 used to ask abt my prince charming, i always said i wud rather hav a knight ;-) this was totally a different perspective from the usual knight! nice write up :-)

    1. Knights are better than Prince Charmings I feel, more braver :) Thank You I'm glad you like it.

  7. I agree, sometimes the simplest gestures mean the most to the recipient. Good post.

    1. Very well put. Thank You & I'm glad you like it :)

  8. Lovely Anusha :) and I so agree!! I have found my Knight with a heart of gold! :)

    1. Thankyou Aditi! I'm glad that you found your knight. Luck you!

  9. Wowwww...... Lovely post!! I guess my knight in shining armor lost directions and his google map isn't working!! ;)

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

    1. Thank You Sri! Haha well I hope he finds his direction soon:)

  10. Wonderful idea on what it means to be a knight in shining armour - a rescuer of others! I agree, it is something we can all do and be. Papa Bear is truly my knight in shining armour, he has all the qualities you mentioned, and so much more!

    1. Josie, it's always a pleasure to read your comments. I'm so glad you found Papa Bear, he is a perfect gentleman and a true knight in shining armor.


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