C is for Challenge Yourself

Dear Diary,

For C I recommend : Challenge Yourself

As human beings we are quite inclined to gravitate towards the obvious, that what is safe and what we know most about. We never choose ‘the road less travelled’ or even worse ‘the road not taken’ and I think, that is where the problem lies.

  All of us know that we have only life and despite innumerable attempts at being told to live it to the fullest we fail to do so. How can you life your life when you don’t take up challenges, when you are happy with the way it is? We are all so content in our own comfort zones that moving out of it seems like a scary prospect. We are doubtful whether we are up to the task, or will fail miserably and fall flat on the ground.

Challenging yourself to go beyond, that what you know is a daunting process but it’s also rewarding. Had I not challenged myself I would have never participated in The A-Z Challenge last year and never been here this year.

Challenge yourself everyday not something big like they show in Fear Factor but in your own way : if you are a shy person; make it a point to talk to at least 5 people other than your close circle of friends. Challenge your limits and your potential and experience what lies beyond the realm of the ordinary.

Challenge yourself, you have nothing to lose, only to gain.

The Sunday Visitor


  1. I totally agree with that comfort zone thing, unfortunately we end up being too comfortable there and end up with stagnancy!

    Lovely post there dear :)

    1. Thank You! Our comfort zone often becomes a barrier for us.

  2. Change can be hard. But I agree, challenging ourselves makes us grow. Now you have me thinking about one thing I can do differently today.

    Nana Prah

    1. I second that Nana. Change is tough but it's necessary, I'm glad my post had you thinking!

  3. I completely agree with the importance of small daily challenges. Continued success brings confidence and big change. It's very easy to give up if the challenge is too big.

  4. I'm doing that with the AZ challenge-- writing a story a day. Good post, we all need the reminder.

    Damyanti Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2014, Latest Post

    Twitter: @damyantig

  5. Good advice. I try to do ordinary-to-me things different sometimes to push myself.

  6. This is something I always have to remind myself.
    I often get to comfortable in my routines and the things I do.

    Thanks for the reminder!

    Timothy S. Brannan
    The Other Side, April Blog Challenge: The A to Z of Witches

  7. Like attracts like, so be happy positive and smile. Good thoughts yield rewards, yeah I'm with you on this.

  8. Definitely like life lesson #3 and on challenging ourselves. Great post!

  9. This post is inspiring, it also humbles me. I tend to do exactly this, to live in my comfort zone. I am fascinated by the possibilities that dwell beyond it, but finding the confidence to explore outside my circle isn't easy. I loved your message here, when we reach out and to learn and experience new things our world expands and we grow! I will remember this challenge and maybe each day try to find at least one way to stretch a little! Thank you Judy Girl! :-)

    1. Thank You Josie. It's difficult for all of us but the magic happens outside our comfort zone and in order to experience it we need to go beyond. I'm glad this post has inspired you so much.

  10. I am reading your posts backwards from K to A, and enjoying all of them. You express yourself very well, giving us thoughtful posts that are organized and use good grammar (yeah!) I read your "about me" - Sound of Music is my all time favorite movie :-)

  11. Very inspiring post! I do sometimes have the opposite problem though. I sometimes take on more than I can actually handle. I need to make goals that are a little more realistic. :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — C is for 'Copper' and Cats (and More Cats)


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