G is for Give Yourself a Chance

Dear Diary,

For G I recommend : Give Yourself a Chance

I belong to the category of people who are very tough on themselves. If I lose marks for a silly mistake or if I do something stupid I tend to get very angry on myself and often end up berating myself. 

I’m lucky to be surrounded by supportive family, friends and teachers who help me look at the bright side of things. Thanks to them over the years, I have learnt to give myself a second chance.

In this journey of life everyday is a new battle, a new experience. Life does not come with a user manual like a Smartphone or other electronic gadgets. That would be easy. So very easy.

Life is meant to be explored, learn from your mistakes, avoid repeating them, instead make new ones. Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s not your fault. You would have been perfect if you never made mistakes as the old adage goes “To err is human, to forgive divine

Leaving you with a thought :

Even You!
The Sunday Visitor


  1. You make yet another good point - sometimes people can be too hard on themselves. I find it funny how people with give others some slack, but when it comes to their own mistakes they won't.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

    1. Thank You Natasha! I think it's with the need to be perfect all the time that we don't realise that imperfection is Ok.

  2. I whole-heartedly agree with everyone deserving a second chance!
    And what a wonderful series of phrases so far for the A to Z! :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Vidya Sury
    Rocking the A to Z Challenge with Team Damyanti
    <a href="​http://yourmedguide.com/2014/04/foot-care-for-diabetics.html> Foot care for diabetics </a>

    1. Thank You Vidya :) Thanks for visiting and leaving such an encouraging comment.

  3. If you can't allow yourself to make mistakes life is going to be very rough. No one is perfect.

  4. Smiling about, "instead make new ones." I'm glad you didn't tell us to avoid them altogether. That would be impossible. Thanks for the wonderful post.
    Nana Prah

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad that made you smile. Thank You for visiting and leaving such an encouraging comment.

    3. Thank You for visiting Nana! I'm glad it made you smile. Mistakes cannot be avoided, it's only after we make them, do we learn some important lessons and grow.

  5. And the way I see it - perfection is boring anyway! :) The fact that we are flawed makes us more interesting!

  6. Very nice thought. It gets harder and harder to reach perfection and it's overrated. Be kind to yourself otherwise who else would be.

  7. We learn more through our so-called mistakes than through our trouble-free successes. Research any successful person, and you will find many stumbles along the way. It helps if you can adjust thinking to focus on "Lessons Learned" and not blame or shame for things that don't go the way you wanted.

    1. Very true. Every successful person has once walked on the Failed route and then managed to dive towards the successful one.

    2. I agree. I now focus on the lessons learned.

  8. it ooccured to me like am reading an entry someone wrote abt me!! i can so relate with this! nice write :) dropping from a-z challenge :)

    1. Thank You for dropping by. It happens to all of us that's why it relates to one and all.

  9. I am also very hard on myself and always have been. This post could have been written about me. ♥

    1. Hello Kathy Thank You for visiting. This post is for each one of us who is hard on himself/herself.

  10. This is so nice write up!!! I am glad to have read it!!

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

    1. Thank You for visiting and leaving such an encouraging comment.

  11. We are so often very hard on ourselves, unforgiving, and more often than not it is those who are really trying that berate themselves when they fail. Those who don't try very hard seem to have little concern for their shortcomings. Mistakes need to be viewed as lessons, how could we do it differently next time, and even when we try our very best there will be failures, because just as you note, we are human and imperfect. We need to accept that and remember to love our selves as the wonderful creations we were made to be. Failure is an opportunity to rise up and try again!


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