M is for Make it Happen.

Dear Diary,

For M I recommend : Make it happen.

Innumerable times in our lives we want to do something, be something but often are too scared or worried to listen to our hearts and follow our dreams. At such times I remember what my sister once told me, “Listen to your heart and make it happen.”

Our life is very short and to live it with regrets, is making absolutely no use of it at all but if you really want to do something, to be something, make it happen and like Paulo Coelho says in The Alchemist:

Don’t just keep dreaming, thinking someone else is going to do it, or one day when you have a little more free time on your hands, you will do it. Trust me, that day is never going to come. You have Today, use it. Make today happen, because if you don’t make it happen, then you will not be happy with the result of what happened. 

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I have a crystal paperweight that has the Disney quote: If you can dream it, you can do it. It really keeps me going when the road is rocky.

  2. Sitting around waiting for things to come to you never really works. Sometimes you just have to take the leap. I am firmly of the opinion that planning helps, but planning can also become procrastination and you have to keep an eye out for that too :)
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

    1. Very true Natasha taking the leap is what we need to do. I second you on procrastination.

  3. I believe I have this attitude. I have so much more I want to do and I'll work hard for it.

    1. It's wonderful that you have this attitude. I'm sure you will and I wish you the very best!

  4. so true! its like saying be the change u want to c.. d same way if we want something to happen, then its us who has to make it happen. good one :)

    1. Yes Swathi absolutely, thankyou for reminding me about that one.

  5. Love that photo you grabbed for two reasons: 1) As kids we tend to be a little more free with our dreaming. 2) The strained effort shows that it takes work to just dream, let alone make it happen. Very positive posts you have going this A to Z. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Shelina! Thank You for dropping by and leaving such an encouraging comment. I love both the reasons that you shared with me.

  6. I love this post. Dreaming and wishing are one thing. Knowing you have it and working your way towards your goal without letting other people stop you is an even better thing.

    1. Absolutely Nana and the joy when you accomplish a task and make your dream a reality cannot be expressed in words.

  7. Making it happen is surely the mantra! Only wishing and praying is not going to help. Really liking your blog here :)

    1. Thank You for visiting and leaving such encouraging comments.

  8. Beautiful message, and so true. I love that Coelho quote...

  9. Great pep talk for this M Day!

  10. Agree completely! We've got to seize the moment, NOW and make it happen :)
    A Rose is a Rose is a Rose!

  11. It's true, the universe DOES conspire to make things happen!

    1. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment.

  12. What is with the universe and conspiring against us? It's downright mean.

    Good luck making it happen!

  13. I love that quote! Sometimes I just want to sit on the couch and eat cookies or whatever kind of chocolate is laying around, but that's not very admirable at all. I don't think the Universe plans on helping me out with that one.

    1. Oh Madeline, We all have those days but it's something we need to overcome on our own :)

  14. I am going to make it happen! (publication, that is ... self-publication, but still, publication :D )


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