O is for Optimism

Dear Diary,

For O I recommend : Optimism.

Today I had paper showing in college, I was a bit nervous about my marks but optimist nevertheless that everything will be all right in the end and it was. With God’s grace I managed to pass another semester with good marks.

A good dose of optimism is what all of us need. Be positive about everything in life and see how it all goes in your favor. Take everything in your stride: both good and bad and you will never have anything to grumble about as my mum always reminds me.

The best part about being an optimist is that when you start looking at the bright side of things, you can show them to others too, so you can pass on your optimism to others. Keep the cycle of energy positive and feel the positive vibes coming back to you.

Here are two perspectives by optimists :

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. Optimism is something that is very essential :) Nice O post!

  2. Cute quotes. I've learned to become more optimistic as I've grown older. There are so many more good things in life to anticipate than bad. Not to say that my realist side doesn't come out every once in a while, though. Thanks for the reminder about what optimism can do in our lives. Congratulations on passing for the semester.

    1. I agree Nana, life is full of good things we just need to open our eyes to see them. Thank You Nana :)

  3. true it is :) optimism is indeed something that wil help u find hope even when it looks like giving up is better! good one :) n hey r u a student too?

    1. Absolutely Swathi, the quote is perfect! Yes I'm a student. In my third year now :)

  4. Truly said: "The best part about being an optimist is that when you start looking at the bright side of things, you can show them to others too, so you can pass on your optimism to others. Keep the cycle of energy positive and feel the positive vibes coming back to you."

  5. Congratulations on your great results! And I agree that optimism is important, nay essential, for getting things done that we want to achieve in life.

    1. Thank You Trisha :) Absolutely Optimism is the key!

  6. optimism is truly the key to happiness. And i must say, you are quite matured compared to people of your age.Good luck!

    1. Thank You Natasha, that means a lot to me :)

  7. that's wonderful!! and very well said!

  8. The first view on optimism is lovely and made me smile and I loved the second one. I'm a natural optimist and do my best to look on the bright side of things when I can. Sometimes though over thinking gets in my way :) - I wish I could turn my brain off occasionally.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

    1. I love both the quotes too! I too have the same feeling, that's when I give my brain some rest by reading :)

  9. Haha, I love the quotes, especially the one about the chacha!

  10. Hah! I love the cha-cha quote. Thanks for sharing. I am your newest A-Z follower. :-)
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  11. Very fun! Optimism is a great O : ) I try to practice it each and every day!

    1. That's lovely Millie. Optmism can make every day bright and better!!

  12. Excellent choice for "O"! I believe that when we strive to be positive in our approach to life we attract more positive things to come our way, just as when we are negative, we see only what is bad and there seems to be more and more of it. I like the person who said it doesn't matter if the cup is half empty or half full, we should be grateful we have a cup! Gratefulness is a big part of remaining positive. Life works out as it should!

  13. Beautiful post.
    The cha-cha quote is great and unusual!!


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