For J, 

Here's a golden rule from Matthew 7:1,

Very often, we (including myself here)  don moral hats, judging people around us based on our standard of right, wrong, correct or incorrect and this is a reminder for us.

Just as  we would not like to be judged, it is incorrect of us to do to the same. 

Easier said than done, I agree. What do I do then ? When I find that my thoughts are turning judgy ? I distract myself. I read, listen to music, scroll through social media, watch something and give my mind other things to think about. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts. 



  1. It can be so easy to go down that road--to judge others by our standards. I used to be quite good at it. Growing older is teaching me to be less so. These days, I question myself when I find myself judging. What is it inside me that triggers such a reaction? This practice is helping me to get to know myself better--the more comfortable I get in my own skin, the less I judge others-- I think.

  2. A very challenging goal.


  3. That's a great idea, to find something else to do. I think of that one scripture about "who does not work, should not eat" because then we have "time" to start gossiping. I often think of judgment like gossip in my head. Sometimes, we need to do it if it affects us directly - like no, I will not put up with that. Mostly, though, it's idle chatter and if it is a problem then do/don't do the thing yourself. I often find one great way is to judge myself by that standard. If I'm not doing X then talk compassionately to someone who is. Find a "sin"/failing in me that's similar and see why it might not be that simple. Then, make it my 'work" to get around it.
    I think that's what Jesus meant when he said about not giving people burden's too heavy for them to carry. It's like once you try to do the work yourself, all of a sudden you're a LOT less tempted to be pointing them fingers.
    Hope you have a day.
    Anne from annehiga.com

  4. I fully agree with you. In fact, in 2018, for the A to Z Challenge I wrote about the same word.
    A number of present-day problems are because we are too quick to judge others. It's perfectly okay if we don't have an opinion about many things and people around us!
    Nice post. Enjoyed reading your perspective.
    J for Japanese Language School

  5. It's hard not to be judgmental. But can always be worked on. :-D


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