
Dear Diary,

For F, I have chosen the word Find.

For reasons unknown to me, I like that word a lot.

Find always brings to mind happy thoughts : find somethings that was once lost, find something from one's childhood or from the years gone by, find something that we did not know about earlier, find that someone special or find a friend.

I think it's that one word that encompasses : relief, happiness sometimes sadness and discovery. It's like 'Eureka' but in another context.

The best kind of finding is undoubtedly,

Hope you find something today.

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I love your ability to take ordinary words and make them more meaningful. Hopefully, more often than not "find" is a good thing! I love serendipity, that's pretty much how I met you! :-)

  2. That brought smile to my face :)

  3. Find is a wonderful word because outside of finding a dead body it's usually a good thing to have happen.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author


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