
Dear Diary,

For O, I have chosen the world Old.

I recommend watching the video above before continuing with the post. I loved this video and immediately thought of sharing it. It's interesting to see our perception of old and how this perception changes.

I love French  for many reasons, one of them is their positive approach to life. The French way of telling your age is J'ai 20/30/40 ans, that literally translates to I have 20/30 years. They do not employ the word old at all.When I first heard it, it was hard for me to understand, My French teacher, a darling woman, then explained that the French are optimists. A 99 year old lady will not say that she is 99 years old rather, she has 99 years behind her and many many more to come.

Hence I have decided, from today onwards, if asked my age I will proudly say I'm 21 years young.Because you are only as old as you think.

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I've always considered myself a late bloomer so I don't think my age really reflects who I am inside.

  2. This is an exceptionally excellent video! Chronologically I am in the "old" category, but I see aging as the natural flow of life - we are born, we grow, we mature, and we pass on to the spirit world. Why do we make that such a bad thing? Our bodies may not be able to do all the things the seniors in the video can do, but we still do fun things and have value, life doesn't end at 50! I agree, Judy Girl, we are as young as we think and feel. I am 62 years young... and some days I still feel very, very old! ;-)
    from Josie's Journal

    1. I agree. It's okay Josie, we all have our days, but it'simportant not to dwelll on them.

  3. My mother could show these millenials a thing or two. She is over 70, but rides a mountain bike. I'd kill myself if I tried to ride the trails she goes down.

    1. Your mum sounds like an amazing, courageous and superb woman.

  4. My mother could show these millenials a thing or two. She is over 70, but rides a mountain bike. I'd kill myself if I tried to ride the trails she goes down.


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