L is for LETTERS

Dear Diary,
                       As I was cleaning my shelf of books, making place for the new ones to come, a few papers caught my attention. They were no ordinary papers, but letters exchanged between me and a friend who had shifted to another state. We both lost touch after sometime, but recently met on Facebook and now keep in contact.
                      Letters, always remind me of the anxious wait for the postman with the hope, that he will have some good news for me, more often than not the only letter he had for me, were my final exam results J. They bring to mind a time when communication was entirely written, phones, e-mails and Facebook did not exist. People wrote love letters and poems to their beloved. Hand writing was emphasized upon so that the other person would understand.

                   In our technologically savvy world of today, we have e-mails, chats, messages, Facebook but I still love the good old LETTERS: The feel of paper, the smell of ink. The excitement of opening the envelope, and not knowing what’s there inside, what news it brings. I do appreciate e-mails but letters hold an entirely different charm.
               Don’t let that letter writing talent fade away, pick up that dusty notepad, and scribble a few lines to a loved one, send it to them through post, because a letter in hand is always worth two emails in your account. Treasure the ones you have, and send out some for the others to treasure them too.

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. I so agree with you about this, Judygirl! A handwritten letter comes straight from the hands and heart and I think actually seeing someone's handwriting conveys so much more emotion with the words. I loved my mother's beautiful script and I wish I still had the many letters she sent to me over the years! It has become so easy to dash off a quick email note or text, or to buy a readymade card and sign and send it, but it would be wonderful if at least once a week we all took a few moments to write a real letter and send it on it's way. It would be guaranteed to make the recipient's day!

    1. Yes, handwriting does convey a lot to the reader. Well that's a wonderful idea you have there, I will surely try sending a real letter rather than an e-mail for a change, Would love to make someone smile. Thankyou for this idea :)

  2. Letter writing is a lost art. In my case, probably just as well. I have trouble with my hands. My typing is much more legible than my hand-written notes.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  3. It really is special getting a hand-written letter in the mail. So rare nowadays!

    1. Hi Trisha Thanks for visiting my blog. I agree with you, I know the value of a hand written letter and thus encourage people to write them and treasure them.

  4. Beautiful post! I agree that we should never stop writing letters. They're so much more personal, and because they take more time and effort, they show the recipient just how much he or she means.

    You have a great blog. Following! ☺

    Happy Sunday.

    1. Thankyou so much. I'm glad you like my blog. Thankyou for following, I hope you enjoy the other posts too.

  5. I am so going to do this - you have inspired me! You're right, it is a lovely treat to receive a letter in the post.

    Inane Ramblings

    1. I'm glad that you were inspired by my blogpost. Your initiative will make someone smile.Go ahead and make their day!

  6. Well said! But I'm soooooooooo lazy. And my handwriting has gone to H-E-double hockey sticks. I'm good about thank-you notes though. Honest.

    Repaying your AtoZ visit!

    1. I'm glad to know that. A Handwritten Thankyou note is much appreciated than a formal text or e-mail.

  7. I've kept just about every letter that anyone has ever written to me over the years. There's something kind of cool in a historical sense to see what somebody said many years ago. Don't get letters anymore, but I get emails. I keep a lot of those in various files, but they're just not the same.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. I can echo your sentiments, I feel the same way about e-mails.


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