P is for Perfection

Dear Diary,
                           Inspiration, strikes in the most unexpected places, and I can say that, having experienced it first hand.A few months back I came across, a very different kind of saying. Something, which struck me, as bizzare at first but later made sense. It all started in my French class. The professor, while explaining something, quoted a British author, who once said, "If a thing is worth doing, do it badly,"

                            This sentence, made me wonder, at how often in our bid to attain perfection, we lose out, on the things that really matter. Students, are behind the perfect score, artists are waiting, for the perfect masterpiece,people are behind the perfect glow or the perfect tan. This 'Perfection,' according to me is largely a subjective concept, because one person can find imperfections, in another person's 'so called perfect masterpiece'.

                              Don't get me wrong, I'm not against perfection, but sometimes, it's just best, to enjoy the process, rather than focus on the minute details, that make it up. In the end, you don't remember, what you did, but how you did it and how much fun you had while doing it.

                           Leaving you, with a beautiful quote which I came across in Jodi Picoult's book My Sister's Keeper.

We have synchronized our watches, studied our calendars, existed in minutes, and completely forgotten, to step back and see, what we have accomplished.

The Sunday Visitor


  1. That is a beautiful quote.

    And I agree: often the process is worth more than the end result.

    Wonderful post!

  2. Love that quote. I consider myself to be a perfectionist at times and it can be exhausting. Better to just enjoy the process than stress myself out wondering what it might become. Great post!

    AtoZChallenge Blogger www.katkatravels.com

    1. Thankyou so much for visiting my blog. I'm really touched that you like my post. Sometimes the journey is much more enjoyable than the destination itself :)

  3. This made me think of when I was learning to Cross Country Ski, I had a lot more fun learning and falling over and laughing than I did when I got much better at it. Not perfect you understand.


    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with me, I'm glad you enjoyed the process than the process and didn't let the perfection bug get to you.

  4. Isn't it funny how we all seem to be on a quest for perfection, but what we treasure the most are people and things that are flawed, and it is those very flaws that we treasure about them!

    1. That's true,Thanks for bringing it to my notice.

  5. A co-worker came to me quite upset one day over something another co-worker had told her. "She told me that I need to know when 95% is good enough. Can you believe that?"

    I cringed and said. "Actually. Yes, I can." I then gave her explicit examples of things she did at 100% that would have been better kept to 95%. I don't think she agreed with me 100%, but as long as I had her 95% convinced I was right, I knew I had done well by her. :)

    1. You definitely have me convinced that you are 95% right. Thanks for sharing this incident with me, I'm glad you could help her to understand that perfection is not everything.

  6. Interesting way of looking at things. Perfection can get so discouraging that we end up just quitting. Fun or enjoyment of what we are doing should be a part of the equation.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  7. I wonder when the word "perfect" got such a connotation of being absolutely flawless. Its original meaning is finished or completed.
    Take 25 to Hollister
    Don't be a Hippie

    1. Whoa I never knew that! Thanks for telling me about it!

  8. Can totally relate. Great post

  9. Very good article! You are so right, it is not about the perfection, it is about the fun of doing. :)
    A to Z April Blogging Challenge

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked the blogpost!

  10. I like that quote from Picoult. In a way, it sums up the lives of people who are always on the go.

    1. Thankyou, I love that quote too, it makes me think about my life and what I'm doing with it.

  11. I'm sorry that I am running so far behind on commenting. This week has been pretty crazy! I love that quote, I think we all get way too tied into living our lives on schedule and never really having time to relax, breathe, play, and enjoy! What is the point of working until death without ever really having taken time to live! I love your professor's concept of doing things badly. Yes... just do them... I love to write, I love to create, and I even dabble in a little poetry and craftwork, I don't do any of it with a degree of excellence, but the process makes me happy. All of us have a spark of creativity that needs to be nurtured. Perfection isn't truly possible, so we need to learn not to shy away from trying out of fear that we might not be good enough. Often we end up surprised that we are capable of more than we expected!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my blog posts. Very true, we miss out on the most beautiful things in life because we underestimate ourselves and our capabilities.

  12. I was drawing analogy with the current challenge. Many a times, I go for the perfect topic and it throws my time-table away! So it just made me look at the challenge itself differently!

    - Dishit from Only the Crazy Survive!!!

    1. So true.I do the same, I have a different topic written on my planner, but when I find the perfect topic, I throw caution to the wind and just go with it.


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