R is for RISE UP!

Dear Diary,                               
                                   Today’s. Word for R is ‘RISE UP.’

                 We constantly feel as though we are trapped, and are often unable to overcome our troubles. I guess one of the reasons for this feeling is the ties that link us to certain negative things or emotions, which obstruct us from becoming better humans.

                 By nature of birth we are easily attached to people, to certain objects of sentimental value, certain emotions too. We tend to form pretty strong bonds around it. Sometimes these bonds act as barriers, preventing us from growth and development. Blurring our long term vision and decision making ability.
Some people are bonded to fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, negativity. A majority of them are bonded to emotional baggage which they have carried around with them for a long time and were unable to put behind them for unknown reasons. These bonds just restrict us from discovering our true potential and limit our scope. We often spend our lives like  shire horses wearing blinkers.

               We need to break these bonds, rise above them, to get rid of them, only then will we be able to Rise and Lead. We must let go of our fear by facing it, of our anger by positive thoughts, of our negativity through positivity, of the emotional baggage by moving forward. We must try to rise up every time we fall.  It’s easily said than done but it’s necessary to break loose these shackles that chain us, as in the end this is what will benefit us and make us better. As they say “What does not kill you, only makes you stronger.”
            We are all capable of great things which we can easily achieve, once we break the chains that surround us.  Sometimes who we are is not so much about what we do but rather what we are capable of when we least expect it. Breaking loose these bonds will change life and make it harder to some extent but we must remember, “we are melted and made, we are crushed and created.” Like a phoenix, we must rise from the ashes of our bonds as better people.

Leaving you with a quote I like :

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. Well said! A wise man I once knew said, "100% is what you've got right now. Go for 125%! See what happens when you reach beyond what you know you can do!" We can do great things when we take that leap outside our comfort zone!

    1. That's a wonderful quote, Thank you for sharing it with me. It's true we just need to take the leap of faith, only then can we reach for the stars.
      Thankyou for visiting my blog.

  2. I like the comparison to shire horses wearing blinkers. Too true. Very inspirational post--thank you!

    1. Thankyou so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like it!

  3. Those words alone - RISE UP - are so powerful and meaningful in several contexts.

  4. Rising Up, so important and yet, can be so very hard to do. We really like our crutches and many times don't even recognize them.
    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

    1. Very true Lucy, we are so dependent on our crutches that we can't imagine life without them and added to that is our fear of falling. Thankyou for your encouraging comments!

  5. Empowering words... rise up! Just as you say, we have a choice, we can stay bound by the chains we've created in our lives, or we can cast them aside and break free. We can scrape ourselves back up off the ground where we've been trampled, rise up and go on to truly live in the present day. We have inner strength, capabilities, and perseverance far beyond what we imagine. Why live in despair when we can live in joy?!

    1. Thankyou so much for your encouraging words. It's true we have a lot of potential but as we are so afraid of falling that we don't want to rise up, that's why we must keep trying.

  6. This was great thank you! Break free from those bonds that keep you bound like prison walls. Face the fear, be prepared to go through a rough time, but like the phoenix from the ashes, you will arise. Love it and thank you again! The quote says it all.

    1. Thankyou so much. I'm really glad you liked it. Thankyou for your encouraging comments!

  7. I am always in great admiration of those who do rise up and fight for what is right. The non-violent protestors are always the ones I admire most.

    1. Very true, they deserve our utmost respect and admiration.

  8. Nice job and I love your positive perspective.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog, and for the encouraging comments.

  9. So true! You've got me thinking now... :-)

    Short Story Ideas & Just Ermie

    1. Thankyou for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like the blogpost!

  10. "Melted and made, crushed and created"...That's powerful. Reminds me of being tried in the fire and coming out as gold.

    Chontali Kirk

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog.That's an interesting analogy you have there. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  11. The release of the breakthrough is unbelievable, isn't it?

    Thank you for a great post.

  12. Hello! Thanks for this motivating post. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines


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