T is for TALENT!

Dear Diary,
                         For Today's blogpost I chose the word 'Talent.'

As a kid I always thought that singing and dancing were the only talents, and since I'm not good at both, I considered myself pretty useless, that was until I discovered that I could act and I had a flair for writing.

Just like me many people believe that they are not talented, while the truth is they just need to discover their talents. It's a gift that we all receive while some of us open the package early, others forget about it, and after many years, they suddenly discover it and then use it  like Grandma Moses.

We often try to ape others, to be known for a talent we don't possess and in the bargain we forget that  we are unique. Everyone does not have the same talents and potential. While some people are good at singing and dancing, some others are good with numbers,at playing musical instruments, teaching, learning new languages, making people laugh.

It takes all sorts to make the world.

We must always remember that our talents have been given to us as gifts by God, and the way we use it is our gift back to him. I may not become famous, but I would  like people to remember me as the girl who did her best with the talent she had.

Leaving you with a wonderful quote I came across,

The Sunday Visitor.


  1. What a lovely thought and reminder, we do forget we are unique and meant to share our special talent with each other.

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  2. I don't believe in talent so much, more that with hard work everything is possible.
    But maybe then the talent is to be able to work hard. :)

    Thanks for passing by.

    1. Your welcome! It's true hard work makes everything possible, but working hard is also a talent which many few people possess.

  3. I came across your comment on Jessica's blog, Little Moments, and followed you here. I really like your attitude! I can use a dose of optimism to begin my day!

    1. Thankyou. I'm glad you found my blog and I hope the blogposts make your day!

  4. Hi, I am a new follower from the challenge and I can also use a daily dose of optimism. I can't sing or dance either, but all of my brothers and sisters have beautiful voices. I grew up believing I lacked talent. I discovered that I can write and I became an attorney, (trial attorney) which I hear is much like acting, lol.

    1. Hi, Thanks for following, I hope the blogposts make your day. That's nice, so you can write as well as act, a lot like me. its a pleasure to meet someone who shares the same talents :)

  5. Great, great thought. Talents only grow as you use them. Keep at it.

    1. Thankyou so much. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. There are different types of talents, for sure! I think in school, singing and dancing are the things that get the most emphasis. In my city at least, writing doesn't really. You can't take an entire class on writing, but you can take an entire class on music, and so on. Then again, you can take an entire class on acting, so...yeah. ;) Then again I am talking about my high school experience which was back in the early/mid 90s :)

  7. The talent I admire and am the most in awe of is optimism. Like common sense, I've wondered if it is something that cannot be taught, but rather just is.

    1. That's a wonderful talent, thanks for suggesting it. Very few people possess this talent, and those who do are the happiest!

  8. That's a wonderful quote! Spend it lavishly indeed!! I so agree that people waste much of their lives trying to be something they are not, and completely overlooking what they might be good and enjoy, sometimes out of fear to even try. I've figured out that God's gift for me, His assignment, is to encourage others, and I try to do that every way I can, with friendly smiles and words, here in the blogsphere and everywhere I go. What we say and do, though small as just one simple person, can make all the difference in other lives in very big ways.

  9. People don't realise their calling in life because they constantly compare themselves and their talent to others. Indeed! Very true! It's a lovely talent, something I'm going to try to imbibe in myself too!!


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