J = Just like a Child

Dear Diary,
                     For today’s blogpost, I chose these words, ‘Just like a Child’ because, I believe there’s a child hidden within all of us. As we grow, we constantly try to suppress it, stifle it, in a bid to portray ourselves as strong adults we destroy the little one within us. This process starts with the realization that: Santa Claus is not real, the invisible friend was just a figment of our imagination, and we are too old for Cartoons. It’s most apparent when we slowly stop asking questions, and just accept everything that we are told as the ‘Gospel Truth.’
                     Letting go of the little child hidden in all of us, is one of the biggest mistakes we can ever make. That child, like the optimists that children are keeps our hopes high, constantly reminding us that tomorrow will be a better day. It’s the little one that gets us excited every time we see something new, the one who is responsible for the occasional outbursts of creativity that we have, the one who keeps our faith in the world, and the goodness of people who live in it alive.
                      I’m not afraid to admit that even though I’m an adult legally, I’m still a kid at heart and I will always be one. I sometimes feel like telling people who act all mature and adult like, ‘Forget about the world, and what others will say. Get excited over small things, Learn from everything and everybody, Let your hair down and scream for no reason, Get soaked in the rain and later worry about its repercussions, Watch some cartoons and laugh till you cry, Paint random nonsense, life doesn’t need to make sense always. Just live like a child.’

Leaving you with a quote to think about,

 The Sunday Visitor.


  1. When I grow up I don't want anyone to tell me it has happend! I enjoyed the post excellent stuff

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like it and I really like your positive outlook :)

  2. Amen, Judygirl!! I think this is your best A-Z post thus far! The childlike spirit within us is like the candle that illuminates us and brightens our lives. Papa Bear has managed to keep his inner child strong for sixty years, and it is his most endearing quality!

    1. Thankyou so much. Your comments and encouragement help me to write better everytime. I'm so glad to know that.

  3. Agreed! For a while back there, I had grown all serious like with life and issues that boggle the mind. Now I've let my inner child flower again :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm really happy that you have allowed the inner child within you to flower again. It's undoubtedly one of the best decisions you have made.

  4. I'm a survivor. I needed to hear that today. Thanks.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your welcome, you just have to keep remembering that you're a survivor, and keep your inner child alive.


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